We offer a variety of Web design services, from large database driven web sites for the corporate endeavor, to the most economical "brochure-style" presence for small business. Whatever your project requires, Intrigue has the tools and experience to ensure that your goals are not only met, but exceeded.

Promoting your business online requires a wide range of services; luckily we offer them all, so you are in the right place. Our skill set includes everything from logo design, to complex online marketing campaigns. No matter what your end game is, we have you covered every step of the way. Get a full facelift for your current website, or simply build a new one, or if you need a new logo, business card or brochure we can do that to. Don't forget that we also offer a full range of high-quality online marketing services to promote your new business.


All of our web designers have at least a Diploma in graphic design and more than 5 years experience. Each website is custom designed to match your business perfectly.


Our web developers are second to none and have developed very complex online applications for various types of online and offline tasks.


Our logo design services come with 6 concepts and unlimited revisions so you are 100% satisfied


We have over 8 years of online marketing experience, so we can handle any project you have.


Thinking of Getting a Separate Mobile Website? Take a look at the Advantages of a Responsive Design first!


We offer a full range of graphic design services; we have been designing high-end graphics since 2008 and can provide full color printing services and greatly discounted prices through our various connections nationwide.

Our Skills

Web Design

A good working knowledge of the main web design applications.


An understanding of web programming and scripting languages.


Meeting clients to discuss what they want their site to do and who will use it.


Testing and improving the design and site until everything works as planned.

Why Choose Us?


Fast, Easy. & Light Design

We develop pretty pictures hoping for that ‘wow’ moment when you look at your website the first time. We believe web design is a tool to generate business outcomes. An appropriate level of website design is needed to effectively communicate the right message to a target market in order to generate the necessary results.


Easy to Customize with Persona Development

It is important to remember that the seemingly anonymous visits to your website each month are actually real people each with their own problems to solve and emotional triggers. We work to understand these visitors to better create a digital experience that will lead to business outcomes.


Marketing Automation

There are an array of tools on the market that allow marketers to automate tasks that at one point would have been labour intensive, or in many cases not even possible to execute. We are experienced in matching business needs with the most suitable marketing automation solution and then effectively using this technology to streamline digital channels and bring ROI.


Email Marketing

Properly segmented, targeted and well devised email marketing still outperforms every digital marketing channel in terms of ROI. We use email to effectively recycle our clients database.


User-Experience (UX)

UX is king. We can deconstruct every instance that a visitor will have on the digital journey from considering your business to becoming a client. From this we offer enhancements to increase lead quality and quantity.



We observe real users moving through either your current website or proposed variations of it. From this we uncover key issues with the website or changes we are proposing to make. Users selected are based on the personas included in your target market.


Search Engine Optimatization (SEO)

SEO is the cornerstone of most digital marketing campaigns. We focus on positioning our clients prominently on terms of high commercial intent and measure obsessively to ensure SEO is delivering business outcomes. We shun the side of the SEO industry that relies on smoke & mirrors, a focus on rankings (over results) and deceptive ‘guarantees’.


Web & CMS Development

Ensuring that your website is built on a robust platform is vital to website lead generation. CMS development, mobile responsive, quality hosting, directory development and e-commerce platform coding are all areas where we can assist.


Well Structured Documentation & Digital Strategy

When we say ‘strategy’ we don’t mean this in a vague or “agency-land” sense of the word. The resources that can be directed at your campaign are finite. Digital strategy is a plan of action that will reach your website goals using the available resources as efficiently as possible.


Analytics & Insights

It’s vital to dig deeper than a standard Analytics installation. We set the right benchmarks in order to make decisions on what traffic sources and visitor journeys will make the largest impact on your businesses bottom line.


Training & Education

Many clients don’t just rely on us to execute campaigns. We know that an important part of our role is client empowerment. Whether its running training sessions, educating one of your teams in implementation or sharing industry knowledge, we understand empowerment is key to successful engagement.



Getting lots of website traffic means nothing if high quality leads don’t eventuate. We increase the percentage of visitors to your website who turn into high quality customers. We don’t care about conversion rates and CPA, we care about the ultimate revenue value these visitors generate for your business.



Content that works online is different to other forms of copywriting. Our focus is on correctly communicating the right message about your business that will lead to increased revenue.



Scalable, targeted and measurable, SEM is still a great way to generate tangible digital outcomes. Our team focuses on end to end SEM management. We work to close the feedback loop so you know which clicks result in the best quality customers. Conversion rates and CPA are often misleading.


Social Media Advertising

Highly targeted ads shown to potential customers as they browse social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are proven to be effective. This provides high quality targeting than almost any other form of digital advertising.



Via Google remarketing we will show ads about your business on thousands of websites around the internet. Remarketing is an incredible technique utilised to increase the likelihood that visitors to a website are compelled to return.

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*By subscribing You will recieve our latest news. Your information will not be shared with anyone.

Online success starts with a great domain. We make it easy and inexpensive to get the domain you want, fast. We offer all major Top Level Domains (TLDs) and over 25 Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs).

Every domain registration includes the following domain tools:

  • URL Forwarding : Redirect traffic from one domain to another.
  • URL Parking : Redirect traffic from one website to another.
  • Email Forwarding : Automatically forward emails to other valid email addresses.
  • DNS Management : Retain total control over your DNS records.
  • Transfer Lock Protect your domain from unauthorized domain transfers

There's no reason to spend a lot for a domain. Take advantage of our already low prices and register (or Renew) yours today.

At The WebERA4Eever Inc., our Design Services team combines excellent web site designers and programmers with top notch customer service to give you the ultimate experience when you are ready to build your professional looking, small business web site or online store. Please take a minute to read through this brief explanation of what makes us stand out from the crowd of web site design firms.

Each project starts with a custom web design, uniquely designed to meet the online needs of your business. Besides looking and working great on all browsers and mobile devices, we make sure our sites convert more visitors into buyers by using best web design practices.

Custom Web Site Solutions

We begin by understanding your business goals and what you want your website to do. We also want to work within your budget, so we offer the most competitive prices. You want choices when building your company web presence or your online store, which is why we provide custom or pre-packaged website solutions.

We can help you with everything from creating a new company logo to building out a full-blown social networking application. Custom solutions are typically more expensive than a packaged offering, but they allow you to design exactly what you need on the web. If you have a vision for a new product, need a custom application for your business, or just need something unique, our team of experts can help you distill your thoughts into a plan of action, and then build you a custom solution to meet your needs.

Development of your website

We have a well-defined, high quality process that has worked well for hundreds of web site builds. It is designed to make your web building experience easy. There are five stages that we will work through together as we develop your site.

  • Requirements Stage : where you put together all of the content and our team gathers up all of your requirements.
  • Build Stage : where your web site takes shape.
  • Review and Comment Stage : which is an opportunity for you to review your site with our team, do a live demo of your site and make minor changes.
  • Test and QA Stage : Our QA team does an in-depth review that tests for bugs that may surface and to make sure that your minor changes have been completed. Once this is done, your site is ready to roll out.
  • Launch Stage : where we make your site live for public viewing. Your web site vision has become a reality.
  • Once your site is live, you and your customers will enjoy the professional look and easy use.

    When you're ready, to tell us your specific needs.

Your website hosting is the most important part of your online presence. A cheap, unreliable web host means your website (and business) can go offline any minute. We work hard to keep our client's websites online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

it's no secret that building a strong internet presence can do more for your business than most forms of offline marketing. From websites to email marketing, each aspect of your online presence plays a very important role in finding new clients and engaging with customers. The core of your business online is your website. While smart business owners invest time and money into a great website, most opt for the most inexpensive website hosting. Why?

Cheap, unreliable website hosting can lead to loss of revenue, negative effects on SEO Ranking, security issues, and frustration. Furthermore, most website hosting companies don't support or troubleshoot issues, other than those originating from their servers. What does this mean? This means that if your website isn't functioning quite right, it's up to you to find a developer, or fix it yourself.

Over the years, we've honed and refined our hosting and support services. An additional option for custom quote clients, we take care of everything hosting. From email to support, we provide quality website hosting services that leave our clients knowing they are in good hands.

Our hosting & support services include:
  • Cloud website hosting
  • 3 branded email addresses (additional email accounts can be purchased)
  • Daily backups
  • Monthly updates
  • Monthly speed & security optimization
  • Dedicated technical support

We gives you a unique email address to send your emails to, but it's not easy to remember and it's on our domain. You will probably want an easier to remember address on your own domain, like reply@yourdomain.com. It has MX Record support in beta, but in the mean time (or if you don't have control of your DNS records) we recommend using Gmail/Google Apps as a simple forwarding service to provide your users with an email address at your domain.

One of the main reasons to use Google's mail forwarding is that Gmail will handle a fair amount of any inbound spam that your inbox might start to catch before it even gets, potentially saving you parse credits. We've also tested with Gmail and know that the + sign filter works with "MailboxHash" parsing.

Hosts who specialize in streaming media need to boast excellent uptime, and preferably one backed by a service level agreement. Streaming hosting packages need to offer generous bandwidth and disk space allowances. Delivering content quickly is also critical to ensuring a smooth streaming experience, so solid state drives and a content delivery network are desirable.

If you produce audio and video content, you may need a web host that supports streaming media. Not all of them do. In addition, you'll need a host that can cope with potential traffic spikes without downtime, and it'll need to support the type of content that you intend to publish or distribute.

Is your website the next YouTube? Pandora? Spotify? If your goal is to provide video or audio on demand to your site's users, you need streaming hosting. OK, so maybe your site's not quite that big yet. Regardless, if you plan to stream movies, music, or video or audio files of any kind, streaming hosting is what will keep that media running smoothly with fewer snags and interruptions.

Not all hosting plans can accommodate the resources it takes to stream audio or video files. Streaming hosting is specialized for media sharing. Imagine how frustrating it would be for your users to sit through a video that constantly stops and starts. Or for them to try to listen to music only to have their favorite songs cut off. How many of those visitors do you think would return to your site? Right.

Streaming hosting alleviates those kinds of issues. Some hosts that offer streaming plans are making them available via cloud hosting, which takes much of the burden of streaming off the local computer, speeding things up and increasing fidelity and reliability.

Many streaming audio/video hosting providers also offer managed hosting, removing much of the day-to-day management and maintenance from your plate, and you can be there's more to be done with a media-streaming site.

If what you plan to stream is anything along the lines of webinars, tutorials, or industry leader interviews, you may want to look for a host that archives your streaming media. This way, should anything happen to your site, you'll be able to recover that data, and continue to provide service to your customers and listeners.

Why Use Streaming ?

Over the last decade, streaming sites have sprung up all over the web. YouTube is perhaps the most common, but there are thousands. Why would you want to bypass these established services and set up your own streaming service?

There are a few reasons:

  • Streaming gives you more control over the way content is distributed
  • You can host content for other users using a membership system, possibly charging a fee
  • Your content doesn't need to be associated with anyone else's brand or website
  • It's easier (though not hassle-free) to host content that other sites may not publish You can create your own niche

Note that publishing your own content isn't going to protect you from the law. If a site like YouTube won't allow something because it's copyrighted (or controversial), your web host will probably have the same opinion. However, some hosts do have more relaxed rules about what's allowed to be streamed.

SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization's details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media sites.

SSL Certificates bind together:
  • A domain name, server name or hostname.
  • An organizational identity (i.e. company name) and location.

An organization needs to install the SSL Certificate onto its web server to initiate a secure session with browsers. Once a secure connection is established, all web traffic between the web server and the web browser will be secure.

When a certificate is successfully installed your server, the application protocol (also known as HTTP) will change to HTTPs, where the ‘S’ stands for ‘secure’. Depending on the type of certificate you purchase and what browser you are surfing the internet on, a browser will show a padlock or green bar in the browser when you visit a website that has an SSL Certificate installed.

What does a website with an SSL Certificate installed look like ?

Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates

Extended Validation SSL Certificates

Standard SSL Certificates (such as GlobalSign DomainSSL and OrganizationSSL)

Standard SSL Certificates (such as GlobalSign DomainSSL and OrganizationSSL)

We build custom database solutions for any size business tailored to your specific needs.

Each database is centralized, easy to use, and secure. Your users can access information 24/7 and see only the data you want them to. Plus - our robust reports & search features lets them see the data just the way they want it.

We create websites with a secure database backend that solve your unique business requirements.

Every website we create is based on our client’s goals. Our most common requests are for e-Commerce, company portals , nd business reporting websites. We can build anything that you can dream of.

Custom DataBase Development Service
Get Data In

We start with getting your internal / external information into the new web based application.

  • Apply Business Logic
  • Validate
  • Remove Duplicates
  • Thresholds
  • Quarantine “Bad” data
  • Data Settings
  • Restrict Access

After the information is cleansed, organized, and any bad data removed. You can now interact with all of your information from one central location.

  • Advanced Search
  • Add New Records
  • Edit Details
  • Delete Records
  • Archive Old Records
  • Access from Multiple Devices
Get Data Out

Your business information is now at your fingertips. Take control of your company with custom dashboards, reports, alerts, and much much more…

We make mobile applications for (Apple & Android) smartphones and tablets.

Your new company mobile/tablet application will extend your ability to get work done and boost your company image. Mobile/tablet applications are designed for optimal performance on multiple device platforms.

We offers complete, end-to-end mobile and tablet application development services customized for all your data centric needs. With our extensive experience in the mobile space, we are your strategic partner in leveraging the ever changing mobile world. Take your business anywhere… improve efficiency and get more done – wherever you are.

Mobile And Table

Access real time reports and data metrics while on the go. Have a big meeting? Need to prepare for a sales presentation? Don’t sweat; your mobile application is always accessible and ready to feed you the data you need in a pinch.

Mobile Development - Ecommerce

Ecommerce mobile integration is a hot trend that is quickly become the new must-have for every online retailer. Allowing your users to access your products and work through the shopping cart process, all while on a mobile device can lead to a greater user experience, more return visitors, and an increase in sales revenue.

Mobile Development - Forms

Integrating mobile and tablet friendly forms enable your staff eliminate duplicate data entry, get more done, and perform their job in any location. Customers can reach out and connect with your company immediately. With the ability to quickly turn requests into phone calls, your customer experience is vastly increased.

Mobile Development - Surveys

Surveys are a vital part of starting and maintaining a successful customer relationship; just as important is the mobile application that stores all of the real time survey data. Having a central repository of survey information that is manageable from anywhere will increase your overall company efficiency and effectiveness.

Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social actions. For instance, Twitter is a social site designed to let people share short messages or “updates” with others. Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown social networking site that allows for sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities.

Social media often feeds into the discovery of new content such as news stories, and “discovery” is a search activity. Social media can also help build links that in turn support into SEO efforts. Many people also perform searches at social media sites to find social media content. Social connections may also impact the relevancy of some search results, either within a social media network or at a 'mainstream' search engine.

Social Media Marketing At Marketing Land

Marketing Land is the sister site to Search Engine Land that covers all facets of internet marketing, including these popular topics within social media marketing:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Google+
  • Linkedin
  • YouTube
  • Social Media Marketing How To Guides & more!

At Search Engine Land, we occasionally cover social media news with a search angle, you’ll find all of our most recent articles related to 'social search' here:

Having an awesome website with no online marketing strategy is like having a Ferrari with no motor. It looks great, but simply doesn't work. Our online marketing consultation services are designed to send more traffic to your high converting website, so you can do more business.

Online Marketing Strategy

The landscape and tactics used for online marketing are ever changing. What might work today, doesn't always work tomorrow. Successful businesses are constantly evolving their marketing strategy to stay in-tune with what is working, and spending less on what's not.

From Email Marketing to pay-per-click ads, there are a number of ways to market your business online. Some of these methods cost next to nothing, while others can cost a fortune. The problem is, a lot of business owners don't know what will work, or what is currently working to drive traffic to their website. This means a lot of wasted money on ineffective online strategies.

We work with our clients to build highly-effective online marketing strategies. No matter if it's a doctor's office or a restaurant, each strategy is a customized solution for best results. We'll show you exactly what to do to make the internet work for you!

Marketing starts with your customers

Every online marketing strategy should begin with your existing clients and customers (if you have them). The people that have bought your products or services can attest to the quality of your product, and the relationship with your company. This is important.

Having a conversation with these customers helps develop a successful online strategy for reaching new customers in a saturated market.

Before we start our online marketing campaigns for our clients, we do our research. We get in touch with existing clients and listen to their stories. This helps us paint a picture of our clients, find areas for improvement and build success stories. We use everything we learn to market our clients successfully online.

Nowadays, Mobile & Internet can be considered as the most powerful communication source on earth, employed for broadcasting of information as well as for advertising. Large MNC’s are employing these sources to sell their products and services as well as for the propagation of their website and products. They invite people around the globe to join them as their connections and make business for them and subsequently they make huge profits.

The idea to pursue a home-based business is only a beginning step towards becoming one's own boss.

Digital currency or digital money is an Internet-based medium of exchange distinct from physical (such as banknotes and coins) that exhibits properties similar to physical currencies, but allows for instantaneous transactions and borderless transfer-of-ownership.

We allow customers to trade digital currencies for other assets, such as conventional fiat money, or different digital currencies. They can be market makers that typically take the bid/ask spreads as transaction commissions for their services or simply charge fees as a matching platform.

We are constantly working to improve our web design process. Using the most advanced technology and a lean production model, we cut days off our website design and development time so you can start building a better online presence sooner.
